React control
A custom control displaying a miniature map using React
Live Editor
// Classes used by Leaflet to position controls const POSITION_CLASSES = { bottomleft: 'leaflet-bottom leaflet-left', bottomright: 'leaflet-bottom leaflet-right', topleft: 'leaflet-top leaflet-left', topright: 'leaflet-top leaflet-right', } const BOUNDS_STYLE = { weight: 1 } function MinimapBounds({ parentMap, zoom }) { const minimap = useMap() // Clicking a point on the minimap sets the parent's map center const onClick = useCallback( (e) => { parentMap.setView(e.latlng, parentMap.getZoom()) }, [parentMap], ) useMapEvent('click', onClick) // Keep track of bounds in state to trigger renders const [bounds, setBounds] = useState(parentMap.getBounds()) const onChange = useCallback(() => { setBounds(parentMap.getBounds()) // Update the minimap's view to match the parent map's center and zoom minimap.setView(parentMap.getCenter(), zoom) }, [minimap, parentMap, zoom]) // Listen to events on the parent map const handlers = useMemo(() => ({ move: onChange, zoom: onChange }), []) useEventHandlers({ instance: parentMap }, handlers) return <Rectangle bounds={bounds} pathOptions={BOUNDS_STYLE} /> } function MinimapControl({ position, zoom }) { const parentMap = useMap() const mapZoom = zoom || 0 // Memoize the minimap so it's not affected by position changes const minimap = useMemo( () => ( <MapContainer style={{ height: 80, width: 80 }} center={parentMap.getCenter()} zoom={mapZoom} dragging={false} doubleClickZoom={false} scrollWheelZoom={false} attributionControl={false} zoomControl={false}> <TileLayer url="https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" /> <MinimapBounds parentMap={parentMap} zoom={mapZoom} /> </MapContainer> ), [], ) const positionClass = (position && POSITION_CLASSES[position]) || POSITION_CLASSES.topright return ( <div className={positionClass}> <div className="leaflet-control leaflet-bar">{minimap}</div> </div> ) } function ReactControlExample() { return ( <MapContainer center={[51.505, -0.09]} zoom={6} scrollWheelZoom={false}> <TileLayer attribution='© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' url="https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" /> <MinimapControl position="topright" /> </MapContainer> ) } render(<ReactControlExample />)